University of Bergen | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Department of Informatics | Visualization Group
<% if @path then %> You are here: <% @path.path[0..@path.path.length - 2].each do |pathelement| %> <%= "#{pathelement['name']} > " %> <% end %> <%= @path.path[@path.path.length - 1]['name'] %> <% else %>   <% end %>
<% if @menu then %> <% @menu.menuitems.each do |menuitem| %> <% if menuitem.selected %> <% else %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
 > <%= "#{}" %> <% if menuitem.menuitems.length > 0 %> <% menuitem.menuitems.each do |submenuitem| %>
 --- >  <%= "" if submenuitem.selected %> <%= %> <%= "" if submenuitem.selected %> <% end %> <% end %>
 > <%= "#{}" %>
<%= @content %>

<%= if @owner != nil && @trackfile != nil then " Last Modified: #{@owner}, #{File.mtime(@trackfile).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}" end %>