UNIFOB AS Avd. for beregningsvitenskap/BCCS Para//ab Thorm�hlensgt. 55 N-5008 Bergen, Norway |
Office: Room 3134A, datablokk, Høyteknologiesenteret i Bergen, Thormøhlens gate 55 Phone: +47 555 84167, (as of 1/10/2005 55 54 39 37) Fax: +47 555 84295 email: thierry.matthey@bccs.uib.no |
My literature/books (PDF|BiBTeX)
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway. CGG, Department of Informatics/IAM, University of Berne, Switzerland. Department of Computer Science, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.
I did a Ph.D. in Computer
Science at the University of Bergen,
Norway (PDF)
and work now at para//ab. I graduated (M.S.) in Computer Science at the University of Berne, Switzerland (PDF) with sidelines in micro-electronics at the
Institute of Microtechnology in
Neuchâtel and mathematics.
Work: I collaborated with the LCLS group to develop novel (parallel) multilevel algorithms for fast electrostatic force computation using periodic and non-periodic boundary conditions. I implemented Ewald, PME and multigrid for electrostatic forces based on the component framework ProtoMol. The framework is object-oriented and with emphasis on performance and parallel processing; available at SourceForge.net
Skills: |
Gular |
google |
altavista |
dr.avle |
yahoo |
slashdot | wired | DDJ | GOTW | Weltwoche | NZZ | FT | CNN | USAToday | New York Times ScalpGuide | BT cams | met.no | storm | radar | norgesglasset | arealis VG | Dagbladet | BT | BA | Aftenposten | Nettavisen |
ProtoMol@sourceforge | login@sourceforge | HPC@BCCS | ||||||||||||
nd_ftp | ii_ftp | ||||||||||||